Cover image for The house on the canal : the story of the house that hid Anne Frank
The house on the canal : the story of the house that hid Anne Frank
The house on the canal : the story of the house that hid Anne Frank

Das alte Haus an der Gracht. English

Story of the house that hid Anne Frank

Das alte Haus an der Gracht. English.
"In the middle of Amsterdam, next to a canal, stands a tall, narrow house. It was built almost four hundred years ago and has served as a home, a warehouse, a stable, and most notably, a hiding place. Sometimes it was splendidly decorated, humming with life and love; other times, the narrow house stood empty, in near ruins. Sometimes its green door was open and inviting; other times, it was closed against cold and plague or to conceal the victims of wartime persecution. This is the story of an extraordinary building, a structure that Anne Frank called in the pages of her diary 'the old house on the canal.'"--