My life with sea turtles : a marine biologist's quest to protect one of the most ancient animals on Earth
Meine Reise mit den Meeresschildkröten. English
Marine biologist's quest to protect one of the most ancient animals on Earth
Subject Term:
"In 2015, a team of researchers carefully removed a plastic straw from a sea turtle's nostril off the coast of Costa Rica. The disturbing incident, which was captured on video, went viral, leading to corporate straw bans around the world. In this evocative book, the marine biologist behind the camera, Christine Figgener, recounts her own life spent studying and protecting sea turtles. Figgener describes patrolling the beach at night, swimming with turtles in the open ocean, watching tiny turtles emerge from sandy nests, and risking her life during tropical storms. We learn about her experience as a woman in conservation, a male dominated space where she struggles to be taken seriously. Through discovering the fascinating science of sea turtles and the threats they face today, readers will be inspired to live their own lives differently to ensure the survival of these magnificent creatures."--