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Spirit sleuths : how magicians and detectives exposed the ghost hoaxes

How magicians and detectives exposed the ghost hoaxes
"After millions of people died during World War I and from the 1918 influenza pandemic, the popularity of spiritualism soared. Desperate to communicate with their dead loved ones, the bereaved fell prey to extortion by fraudulent mediums and fortune-tellers. But magician Harry Houdini wasn't fooled. He recognized the scammers' methods as no more than conjurer tricks. Angered by the way people were exploited, Houdini set out to expose the ghost hoaxes. In his stage show, he revealed the fraudsters' techniques, and he used a team of undercover investigators to collect proof of séance deceptions. His head secret agent was a young New York private detective and disguise expert, Rose Mackenberg-a woman who continued her ghost-busting career for decades, long after Houdini's death in 1926"--