Elfrida Library

The Elfrida Library is a branch of the Cochise County Library District.  

The library offers copy and fax services, public computer access, and a wide selection of library materials for all ages, in English and Spanish, as well as toys and games for use on-site and for checkout.  

Library wi-fi is available outside the building from 6 am to 8 pm daily.  Library ebooks and digital materials are available 24/7.

The Branch Manager is Kim Wagner-Hemmes.




yourlibrary en espanol

Página de inicio en español


Elfrida Library
P.O. Box 98
10552 N. Hwy. 191
Elfrida, AZ 85610

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Monday Closed
Tuesday 11 am - 7 pm
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 10 am - 5 pm
Friday 12 - 5 pm
Saturday 10 am - 2 pm
Sunday Closed



 E-Resource Card callout orange